
If I Were Your Girlfriend Id Make Sure You Never Had to Masturbate Again

Guys, if you have nudes of your ex girlfriend, exercise y'all all the same look at them and masturbate to them?


if so, how often? what do you lot commonly remember while you look back on them?

Guys, if y'all have nudes of your ex girlfriend, do you withal expect at them and masturbate to them?

Most Helpful Guys

  • Monty3880

    Depends on the situation, the breakdown, if there's whatever residual feelings, how hot she was, etc...

    I never personally had nudes of an ex, but I had some prissy beautiful pictures. I've but done it to one ex and it was after our outset breakdown. I never felt it was quite over, she wanted time to sort things out in her life. Then probably once every calendar week or 2, I'd wait at those pictures and masturbate. What went through my mind was but how beautiful she was and how I'd like to sleep with her again, remembering some skillful sex sessions we had at times and just checking out her body in the pictures.

    We eventually got back together for a lilliputian while merely it didn't concluding. The 2nd breakup was less amicable so I never used those pictures once again to become off.

    Then, if the breakdown was bad, I'd say the chances of checking out an ex's moving picture and masturbating to them are slim no matter how hot she is. If it's not over in the guy's eye, if there's even so some attraction/involvement, then yeah, he'll use them at least for a little while.

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  • AdenKay

    I ordinarily prove pics of my ex to my freinds and they laugh or whatever information technology's a piddling treat for us guy. Any guy who gets nudes shows it off to freinds and aye all of it lol.
    I've shown pixs of my ex to female freinda and they think im evil just im not. So probably they show others non actually masturbate to unless she was hot in the pics. by the manner it's non smart to send pics to guys anybody he knows will see it and I know this because all my freinds do it plus it's bad-mannered if she's a part of your friendship circle lol

    • Anonymous

      believe me, non every guy has the same morals/values/beliefs every bit y'all so I'm going to have to disagree on the "any guy who gets nudes shows it off to friends and yes all of information technology"

    • AdenKay

      If it helps you slumber better at dark babe. Im being honest I do it and all my boys practice information technology too Its a bonding moment. The main reason y guys do information technology is considering it'south evidence y'all getting pussy. Some guys are cynical and dont believe you and so u bear witness proof plus its not similar nosotros say HEY MATE here'due south a moving picture of my ex. It comes up in a convo and u whip it out. There are a lot of immorAl guys out there your living in fairytale state if u disagree. Plus it's even more likely if your freinds dont know her. Im just saying if you've sent a pic he's not the only person to take saw your pussayy #FACT.

    • Anonymous

      and I'm but letting you know there are other types of guys out there also, i can guarantee you any guy who was raised super religiously and has a potent relationship with god, has far dissimilar morals than you, and any guy who chooses his friends extremely wisely and keeps a very private, private life where his "friends" are just acquaintances in actuality, proceed 99% of their life low key and to himself because some guys don't feel the need to show every little aspect of their life to everyone possible because well, they're smart enough to know why thats a far ameliorate option and any guy who actually has something going for themselves in life, knows that when a relationship ends, at that place are much much more than important things he could possibly focus on in his life... so showing his ex girlfriends nudes to people... that is absolutely lame and those are the types of guys who either graduate loftier school or some really un prestigious community college and have no fucking thought what to

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What Guys Said (xviii)

  • NathanNice

    Depends on how information technology ended. Obviously if the daughter broke your eye, masturbating to nude photos of her is going to exist more depressing than annihilation.

    But for normal flings, hell yeah. Unless the new chick asks.

    In which case, hell no. Do you think I'm a monster?

  • JuicyBrain

    I take been in this situation. Even though information technology ended desperately, I however had respect for all the fourth dimension we've been together. Information technology wouldn't have lasted 4 years if we didn't accept some expert times right? So because I wanted to make certain I would never ever go the thought of sharing the pics and as well because I needed to get her out of my mind, I deleted the pictures. Porn will practise the job but also if not better...

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  • NYkid27

    I always delete my exgf's nudes unless she tells me information technology's ok to keep them. If she said that I'd probably await at them to masturbate a once or twice a calendar week. Tbh, I just think nearly her torso not her when I look at them.

    • Anonymous

      cheers for your honesty

  • houseelf40

    I used to have pictures of my ex-wife and while we were together I used them daily, later on she beat on me and left with another homo, I used them for toilet paper

  • Intraluminal

    Nope. Never. I normally call up of the fun parts and the bad parts, which one depends on my mood. The in-between times go lost.

  • Darrenisastud

    I don't, there's a problem if yous merits to be "in love" with someone, simply then y'all're still getting off to your exes nudes.

  • Mickdodge

    I don't have whatsoever nudes of ex's only I wish I did. Don't know if I'd masturbate to them only they might excite me still

  • GreatnessPersonified

    "Guys, if you lot accept nudes of your ex girlfriend, do you even so await at them and masturbate to them?"


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  • drayday4

    Yes just I don't leave them in my telephone long so until I delete them

  • Anonymous

    Yea. May happen. May think of a good time the had or a 3sum with current girlfriend

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